Angel Mermaid | Watercolor Weekend | Art Impressions

Angel Mermaid

watercolor weekend

Yay, it’s Watercolor Weekend over on the Art Impressions blog.  I am so excited to share this “out of the box” painting with you.  I challenged myself to turn any stamp set I decided to use into a Halloween/Fall themed project. It was so much fun!  You gotta try it!  I decided I was going to take the angels stamp set and turn them into Halloween Costumes.  I shared some on Instagram. After finishing this one, I hope to put a cute background on all of them.  I call this one Angel Mermaid.

I started out by inking up the sitting angel from the NEW angels set. I didn’t ink up the top of her shoes, the line between her legs, portions of her hair or her wings, the key is anywhere you don’t want to fight the line, leave it off.  I stamped it off twice so she was really light.

I learned a couple of things after doing this one, I would color her shirt and body (is that right for a mermaid?) first and then use a fine tip to draw in the scales.  I used a gradient color from purple to blue. I drew in her tail and tried to keep the dark shadows along the edges of her fins.

For her hair, I penciled in how I wanted it to look and then built up the red to get a really rich color.  I start out by doing a light wash and then by start building each layer and letting it dry completely and leaving highlights.   You can always fill in later.  I added some pink to her face and arms.

Once she was done, I painted in the water, sand and sky using a lot of different colors.  Again, lots of layering and drying between layers to get rich dark colors.  Bleed proof white is also premium for me as I tend to be heavy handed.  I painted in the water around her with thin swirls to give the impression of water.

I love being able to get so much more out of my stamps and get some really cute paintings.  I have several more coming so stay tuned!

More fall inspiration:  Blessed & Grateful | Watercolor Weekend | Art Impressions Stamps

Thank you so much for stopping by!


2 thoughts on “Angel Mermaid | Watercolor Weekend | Art Impressions”

    1. Great imagination! I love all her details, the ocean waves and horizon, beautiful end results.

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